Monday, August 2, 2010

Spring Valley........Again

It's that time again to start Monday off with catching up the house from the weekend. 
Why is it that I am always behind on my blogging........
#1. I take way to many pictures.
#2. Sophie Clare  requires a lot of attention and that is ok.
#3. There are not enough hours in the day.
I could go on and on.
Let's just get to this post!!
I had told Angie how much fun Spring Valley Beach was and how Sophie Clare LOVED it.
We decided to take the girls last Thursday and let me just say
We got there around 10ish and we packed all kinds of goodies. Angie and I both wanted to feel like we had the comforts of home. We had yummy snacks and drinks. We set the tent up and as we were doing that we had to keep a close eye on Sophie Clare. She could not wait to get in the water. 

Emily and Gracie had a great time.
Gracie is not sad here......I just could not get her to look at me.
Sophie Clare saying....
Enjoying the sidewalk chalk.
Wet chalk is great to make hand prints and foot prints. It makes a little paste and fun to play in!!

The 2 coolest moms ever, we let them do whatever they wanted to.
Gracie enjoying her snow cone.
Sophie Clare loved her snow cone!!

After a long day in the water and the sun, we packed up and headed home around 5ish.  It did not take Sophie Clare long to fall asleep.
While these 2 girls enjoyed a movie.
It was such a great day and I hope we can do it again before school starts.

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