Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beach....Day 2

It is DAY 2 at the beach and let me tell you we packed a tons of fun in!!
We got up and hit Target to get few things we needed. We hurried back to the pool just a quick as possible. Sophie Clare did not wait on us, she helped herself right to the steps.  When she sat down, she was just so pleased.
She was the best baby and so happy!!
 We headed to the beach for a bit. She played a little more than the day before.
I guess she was getting used to it.
The ocean was wonderful. 
Sophie Clare was still a little unsure but gave it a try.
That wave was a little to much for my sweet baby.
Get me out of here. haha
She loves this little boogie board.
 She used it as a seat, a floating toy, and a jumping toy.
We had planned to carry a tent and decided last minuite to just rent chairs. Well I am glad we did not do either one. We did not stay on the beach enough for that. Which was fine with was all about Sophie Clare!!

We went up to the room around 12:30 for lunch and Sophie Clare a nap. She slept so good and Jamie stayed in the room with her so I could go look for sea shells along the sea shore.
After nap we headed right back out.

I LOVE this picture.
I am going to do a big on in back and white.

We headed in about 3:30 to get ready to go out.

We went to the wharf for window shopping, dipping dots and to look at the boats along the dock.

She tried dipping dots for the very first time and it was LOVE!!
It was of to LuLu's.
 I LOVE this place
. It just has a great atmosphere.
It has a great place for kids to play, music and the food is yummy!!
I enjoyed some oh so delish crab claws!!
We hit the Adventure Island.
 Sophie Clare loved the race cars.
We rode the carousel.

Sophie Clare pointed to the choo choo train, I asked her do you want to ride and she replied yea.
I asked if I could ride with her and they said NO. WHAT?? I can't ride with my baby......after they promised they would stop the train if she got upset. I put her on and they strapped her in.
I never really get worked up about stuff but I was nervous.
She did a great job and right at the very end she was ready to get off.
You have to feed the fish next door at the putt putt place. They are huge and are jumping all over each other to get the food. It is cool.
We had a great 2nd day!!!
I can't wait for you to see day 3!!

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

Looks like a great time for all of you. I am not surprised that you kiss her a gazillion times a day. I would too. Great memories.

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