Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bubbles Of Fun

I believe in having tons of fun !
I love seeing her face light up!!

Sophie Clare is such a water bug.  At times she just wants to get in the tub to play.  This particular night had been a rough one. We had been to Chris and Angie's house and let me just say it was not as much fun as we thought.  They live about 20 to 25 mins away and Sophie Clare SCREAMED the whole way home!! YAY!!    When we got home, the only place she was happy was on the counter so I decided to let her play in a sink full of bubbles to let me catch my breath. 

This one is my absolute favorite!! 
I love her lips!!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

I love photos of Sophie Clare. She looks like a hambone and just makes ya grin looking at that sweet face.

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