Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Closet Organizing

I love NATE Berkas!! He is wonderful and inspires me to clean, organize, decorate and save money. I am totally loving  his show.
Last week, I had Jamie make me some extra hanging space in the closet that was much needed.  I  did not really go through my clothes because I just did that not to long ago. Although I did color cordinate my side and I also had a very special helper along the way.
Look really close and you can see Sophie Clare behind the clothes.
There she is!!
Jamie was sweet enough to take one side of the closet and let me have the rest. Now  he is running a very close race in having just as many clothes as me. hehe
I went through my shoes and my mother was a help on that.
Boy, I had some ugly shoes. 
 I ended you getting rid of about 14-16 pairs shoes.
I think that is pretty good.
We were not all about our looks on this particular day.
We were on a mission.

                    I still can not put all my shoes in the closet but that I am not concerned about.

I  still have some work to do on it but I am very please so far.

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

Oh my goodness girl. Do you have a shoe fetish. You have so many. Love getting organized. Such a good feeling.

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