Monday, September 27, 2010

Friends & Football

Hi Yall!!
I am loving this cool weather here in my neck of the woods. 
 I am just praying it stays like this!!

This past weekend was totally A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
We headed over to Cassy and Dustin's to watch a little Bama football.
Let me just say, Nick was ill and we all were a littel concerned about our TIDE. Thank goodness they pulled through like we knew they could!!
We have a total blast when we hang with them. You would think we have known each other our while lives.
Here are some random pics from the FUN. 
Sophie Clare feels right at home!!   
The Ladies!!
Cassy, Kelli, Me and Michelle

Of course Sophie Clare is with Dustin.
She loves him!!
                                                                    Michelle and Dewayne

From the looks of Sophie Clare's outfit, she enjoyed the food.

Sophie Clare playing with Jaylin's leapster.

Kelly and Kelli

Justin and Andrea

 is so

 my shoes!
She is such a girly girl.
 We are trying hard to get a picture of all 3 but the sun was in Jaylin's eyes,
 Sophie Clare is not going to sit anywhere for long and
well Easton found something to get. hehe

                          Me and my girl                                  

Check out Jaylin's make-up..........
see I told you she was a girly girl and she does and great job putting on her mascara.

We had a fabulous time and the food was great!!
Thanks bunches!!!

1 comment:

Cassy said...

Can we just say WE LOVE YA'LL!!!

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