Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chef Sophie Clare

I love it that Sophie Clare is getting more of an imagination everyday.
She is always doing something to make me smile.
 I think I call my mother 100 times a day to just tell her something cute she is doing.
 Tuesday night I made SLOPPY JOES for dinner. I was not sure of Sophie Clare would love it. I gave her a bite of the meat and she signed more more more. So I fixed her a bowl of meat and me a sandwich. (daddy had to work late) Anyways. we said the blessing and I started eating. Sophie Clare on the other hand kept getting up and down out of her chair getting her kitchen stuff.
She pretended to play the drums first. 
 Everyone knows you got get the beat going to eat. haha
Now it is time to add the extras to the meat.

After she spiced it up it was time to stir.
I very seldom take my eyes off of her.
 I don't want to miss a single moment of this sweet little girls life!!

1 comment:

Cassy said...

She and I see eye to eye on sloppy joes. yummmmmm!!!!!!

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