Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring

and no one was snoring around here today.  This morning started off a little rocky. Sophie Clare hates when I have to mop. I don't know why unless it is because I don't want her to walk on my wet floor. It is a constant battle between the 2 of us. I finally finished and took a deep breath and said, let's go outside.

We ended up have a fabulous day and no more break downs. We did some swinging and riding the scooter for a while. Then we walked down to my aunts house for a bit. She had Carver so we could not pass up some Carver kisses. :-) We also got to see Braden. 
We headed back home for some fun in the water.  My new umbrella needed a good washing so what better way than to play with it. Sophie Clare was super excited about me spraying her with the water hose. 
Check out this adorable pics!

Love this one!

She is so fun!

One of my faves!

I hope you are having a great week!

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