Monday, June 25, 2012

Sure Is Hot

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. We had pretty good weekend. 
 Can you believe how hot it is??
 Can you imagine how hot is is going to be in August?? 

Considering it is so hot, we are spending a lot of time in the pool. Jamie is even going with us on Saturdays because it is to hot for him to work outside.  Sophie Clare got herself a new hat a couple of weeks ago at GAP. She loves it and it is super cute on her.  I so wish that she love to  have her pic made.
Silly girl! 
  We bought her some new boats (pink & purple) and she is hanging on to them with a tight grip. haha
Braden has been her partner this Summer.

I bought this boat at Academy for SC for $3.00........I thought that was a great deal!!

My parents had the girls so we went to see them for a bit and they wanted to go to Noccallula Falls. So we headed home to get ready and met them there.
I love love Sophie Clare's hair like this.

My 3 sweet girls!

We do not go anywhere without our sweet baby!

Gracie looks like she is telling Sophie Clare all about it.

I had to really get stern with them to get a pic of all 3 and you see how well it worked. haha  This was the best one out of like 5. ;-)

The Falls were HOTT and we had to meet Jamie. We met at Chillis and had a wonderful dinner. When we finished we took a walk along the lake.  I wanted to get Jamie and Sophie Clare's pic but she would have NO part so I just took his! ;-)

She agreed to have her pic with me but it had to be on her terms. haha I told her to sit in my lap and she said I will sit in front. Check out that face..........We do all kinds of tricks, saying and nothing gets that girl while the camera is up!  Oh well!

Sunday morning we went to church, then to Momma Goldberg's to eat and then is was off to Centre to see Jamie's family.  Sophie Clare enjoyed hanging down by the water.

Camera time.........I said " hey let me take your pic"
This is her face she gave me, now believe me she is not sad.

I took the camera away from my face, smiled at her and said really...............
then she gave me this one.

Pretending she is fishing.......praying a snake does not come!
Gives me the willies!

We stopped by the cemetery where Jamie's dad is buried and I am not a camera person with the grave..................but Sophie Clare was playing and it was sweet. She is always saying Pawpaw Larry is in heaven with Jesus.

Thankfully we do not have a lot going on this week, we plan on soaking up the sun and spending some time with friends!  Sophie Clare's sinus are playing tricks on her again. Yesterday she sneezed about 182 times and last night when we got home from church, she was beyond pooped. She fell asleep on me at 7. I tried to lay her down a couple of times and she just would not do it, so I held her for about 4 hrs. It was nice to hold her considering she is not napping as much. I was afraid we would be up early this morning but we were not she slept till 8.
13 hrs of!
Anyways, I hope you have a great week!

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