Monday, July 26, 2010

Mommy's Special Helper

This sweet little girl, I just can not get enough of her.
I truly watch her every move.
It's not because I am afraid of what might happen to her but afraid I'll miss a great moment.
I bought her a Gigi's, God's little princess set a while back. I had not planned on giving it to her but Saturday night, I thought she might enjoy it.
Considering how she LOVES shoes, Sophie Clare was all about them. They were big but she did not care. At first she was not wild about the tutu but it grew on her quickly.
She looks so stinking cute!!!

After we played, I needed to put a few towels aways. I set them on the edge of the tub and she started getting them and putting them up. She is all about helping me these days. She loves to carry stuff to the garbage can. I am bad about sweeping the floors and sweeping it to the corner. She will come get me, so me the trash and want me to get it up.  It's so cute!!
She is doing a very good job as you can see. haha
Just making sure it's all in order.
All done!!

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

Get all the help you can and be sure to take photos of her helping so you can prove it one day. LOL Can't ask for a better helper than that. She's a sweetheart.

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