Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Wheels On The Bus

I can not believe school is starting.
Summer..........Where did it go??
Tuesday at story time, they talked a lot about starting school and sang The Wheels on the Bus. We even read a book about it.
Sophie Clare seems to enjoy it and it still takes her a little while to warm up.
Sweet Luke is always ready to socialize and tickle Sophie Clare.
Cole and Maddie doing London Bridge.
Sophie Clare enjoyed playing on the stage a lot more. She is watching the other children get there instruments for marching.  She was not in the mood to march.
Cole was ready!!
Listening to the story or is she just watching the other children.
I am going with the second  one.
Making her bus craft.
Can't wait till next time!

1 comment:

Jamie Wilson said...

Oh I sing this song to Charlee Kate every day! I love it! Little Sophie Claire is so cute and even though I love my applique/monogram, we are buying more and more smocked. I love it all on Sophie Claire!!! I love those blonde curls too. Charlee Kate is slowly getting some hair : ) Have a great week.

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