Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

I LOVE FALL but I am not loving this hot weather we are having.  We tried going outside yesterday and play............ We handled it for a while but then we come in.  I get bored just as quick as Sophie Clare does. My attention span just does not last long..........so I was looking for us some stuff to do on the computer. Fisher Price had some really cute leaning games on there.  We worked on animals and out letters.
After we got bored at the computer, I decided to open the play doh ice cream shop. I've had it a couple of year for Emily to play with and forgot about it. Sophie Clare is still a little young for it but it did entertain us for a while.

Today is Jamie's birthday and we have been singing the birthday song since last week. Sophie Clare LOVES it and will sing it with style. She sings " haa haa haa haa" and bobs her head back and forth. It is the sweetest!!!  We had some running around to this morning and then to church for Sr. lunch. When we had our belly's full, we came home for a much needed nap. When she woke up I told her we needed to bake daddy a cake. She was ready and ran to the kitchen. We put our aprons on and she poceeded to handle the rest.

We went outside to await on daddy's arrival and she was so excited for him to be home.
We all got ready and had O' Charley's for dinner!!
It was so yummy!!

When we got home, we put candles on the cake....for Sophie Clare of course and sang Happy Birthday!!
She enjoyed herself as much as we did. She even blew out some candles.

Happy Birthday, Jamie!!
 We hope your day was very special!!

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

Happy Birthday Jamie. The cake looks yummy.

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