The dr said that I would live. Believe me I am I sure was wondering. I always, aways have tons of energy. I sometimes joke with the girls at work about taking a 5 hr energy shot. I do not think they could handle that. Anyways, the dr gave me a z-pak and some cold medicine. He said I had a virus. What kind?? I am not sure he knew.......the most important thing is that I do feel better!
Here is what has been going on.....................
Sophie Clare loves bath time. I sometimes put her in the sick a little early just she can play. She just splashes. It is really cute.

Can you believe that school starts Aug 10?? I know what some of you are thinking, I don't have one in school and you are right. For me when school starts, that means it is time for Awana'a. We had our 1st meeting Sunday night, we are going to have a great year. Sophie Clare was getting a little fussy during the meeting so I gave her a pretzel. We finished up early and I was trying to wait to feed her during church cause she loves to babble while Bro. Jeff is teaching. She ate early and fell fast asleep with her pretzel in her hand.

Teething......maybe that is why Sophie Clare does not sleep good at night. She does not seem not fuss about her teeth, although you can tell when they itch........she leans in for a big bite of my chin. Oh that little tooth is so sharp. I have always heard that you should start brushing the tooth as soon as it appears.......sad to say I had not done that yet. Last night was the big night of teeth brushing and she loved it! She chewed on the little finger brush and then she wanted to chew on her tooth paste. I do not know about you but I like to taste everything of Sophie Clare's ............the toothpaste was not that good.

I am so tired of mosquito's. They love to get Sophie Clare and they leave a huge whelp on her.....not to mention they stay forever.
We were at my moms yesterday, playing on the bed. I was laying on my side. Guess who pulled up without my help?? Sophie Clare.......she is getting so is so sad how quickly they grow.

Tomorrow is a very special day!!
she truly is adorable. bath time is so fun with little ones!
Hey there! I have been out of town or I would have left a feel better soon message earlier! I was praying you would be healed up right away. I am with you on the school thing- I go back to 20 1st graders next week. Yikes!
Have you tried a wooden teether? They are great! Let me know if you want me to send you the link on where to get some. . .
I can see that every day is special with Sophie Clare. What a beauty she is and bath time is so much fun. Yes they do grow up so quick. Mine are now 36 and 33. Time flies and the grands are getting old too.
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