get up till 8:30 and I had to get us ready and everything together. The goal was for the kiddos to go swimming. Considering it was cloudy and Sophie Clare is only 8 months old, I did not think that she would notice if we did not go swimming. When we got there, we were met by at the door my Sophie Clare's fan club. (Kailey and Kenedi) Leslie and her husband added onto there house and built a pool and let me just say it was beautiful!! I just loved it!! There bathroom was one of my faves.
Here we all are except for Kailey, she was a great photographer.

When it was time for the children to go swimming, me and Sophie Clare went and sat close to the pool. That little girl crawl right to the edge ( I was right there with her) I dipped her little feet in and she was so excited. I took her clothes off except for her diaper and let her play at the water table. She stood there forever and just splashed.
This is Landon, he is Denita's little boy and he is such a cutie!!

Kailey, Maddie and Skylie........Kailey belongs to Leslie......Skylie is Jennifer's niece and Maddie is of course Jen's

Sweet Cole

Kenedi and Baby Sophie Clare
They all wanted to hold her.......Kenedi was so funny, we ordered pizza for lunch and Kenedi wanted Baby Sophie Clare to sit in her baby high chair.

Kailey, Baby Sophie Clare and Kenedi........they could not get enough of her.
Kenedi always ask where Sophie Clare's daddy is and I always tell her......he is bringing home the bacon. hehe

Let me just say that the adults are not taking these pictures. The girls did a great job with my camera.

Kailey and Sophie Clare

This is Denita

Kailey, Baby Sophie Clare and Kenedi........they could not get enough of her.
Kenedi always ask where Sophie Clare's daddy is and I always tell her......he is bringing home the bacon. hehe

Let me just say that the adults are not taking these pictures. The girls did a great job with my camera.

Kailey and Sophie Clare

This is Denita
Looks like so much fun! Those kids are all so adorable!
Oh I love it! We had so much fun. I hope that we can get together again before too long. I love you girls!
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