Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beach Bound

I so wish I was beach bound. We always go after school starts back..........the crowd is gone, the wait for eating is over and you have the beach and pool all to yourself. That is the way to go if you ask me.  Last year, I just could not see going. Sophie Clare was not a very good rider. I am wondering if we should still wait till school starts because of the oil.  It  is not looking good for them to get it under control.  I mainly want beach pics of Sophie Clare but I would like to enjoy the sand and sun for a bit.
Anyways, onto yesterday...........we had to hit Wal-Mart with full force. Everytime I turned around, I was out of something and let me tell you....................I forgot stuff and had to get Jamie to pick them up. I feel so scattered sometimes!! 
It was hot yesterday, so when we go home I put on Sophie Clare's bathing suit hoping she would enjoy the pool.
We played with our new sidewalk chalk for a while.
She was uses the chalk for make-up and we can't do much without her beads.

The bow is hanging on with a prayer. Just look at that sweet face.......I could kiss her for hours.

She did enjoy the pool for a while.

I could not believe she wanted to wear her sunglasses.
This girl is ready for the beach!!
Instead of heading for the sand.........she is headed for the rocks.
After all of the fun  in the sun, she had to give it up.
Happy Hump Day!!

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