Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Love Treasures

Welcome back to Thrifty Treasures with Rhoda!!
I missed last week because of the storms leaving  us without the Internet!!
I am back this week with LOTS of goodies!!
First off , I got ALL of these vintage camera for FREE........from my daddy.  A couple of them were my sweet maw maw  Ruth's. When he showed them to me, I was so excited. I even said that I was almost as excited as the day I found out that Sophie Clare was a GIRL!!
I said almost.........she does not even compare!!
I picked the silver trays up at the local thrift store for only $1.00 a piece!!
I plan on making chalk boards out of them!!
As you can see, I have a great helper!!
I got him at the local Goodwill for $1.00 and he looks cute sitting on my porch.
I know that a lot of  you may not be into finding children things  but I have such treasures that I just have to share some of them with you!!
I bought this SMOCKED outfit at the local thrift store for only $2.50.
I LOVE this cover up!! I could not believe that it was brand new for the low price of $3.00.
Who doesn't need a pair of cute pig pj's??
Last but not least, my most expensive item........$4.00.
It is great for Sophie Clare's blocks!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I can't wait to get around to see your treasures!!

Don't forget to head over to


All That Glitters said...

You got some adorable things!!!! I would not know how to act if I had a girl!!!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Luv that cute little cover-up and those $1.00 trays are soooo awesome!


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