Friday, June 4, 2010

Water Fun

I am always a day late on my post. I just can not post things the same day we do it for some reason. Anyways................Yesterday I headed to Gadsden to meet Angie (Emily & Gracie) and her cousin Jenny (Ava Caroline & Kate) at the sprinklers. 
 Look at those sweet girls!!
Ava Caroline LOVED it and was not shy about getting wet.
She is so cute!!
Gracie the doll baby.......not afraind at all!!
 Loved it as much as the big kids.
Sophie Clare........well she did not get wet at all!
The only thing wet on her was her swimmer. hehe
Emily, it took her a while to get warmed up but once she did....
She loved it!!

Gracie and Sophie Clare enjoying some sidewalk chalk.......Thanks to Aunt Angie!!
Baby Kate was just a doll!
If you notice her outfit.....I got that for Emily when she was a baby.
Emily, Gracie and Sophie Clare all wore it and now baby Kate gets to.
Makes me miss Sophie Clare being little!!
I got Emily to take a pic of us and this is the 1st one.
And the 2nd.

We had a good time there then it was off to lunch.
I am not even going to talk about it. It was crazy and that is enough said.

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