Friday, August 27, 2010


It's Friday night and the moon is not out here. It is looking like it could possibly rain tomorrow. I hope not though, it is little Gracie's 2nd birthday. Today we have been going through clothes and working on a little ebay. I have LOVED buying from ebay and I thought I should try selling. I uploaded 2 dresses and SOLD!! I was very excited and could not wait to get some more on there. So, I have worked on that a little bit tonight. Most of the day today was spent holding Sophie Clare. She woke up with a runny nose.......yuck!!  She has been in a pretty good mood but just wanted to be in my lap.
I was in the kitchen today and heard her say bye.
 I walked in the living room and this is what I found!!
She has got her daddy's keys, shoes, and bag.
 This girl is ready to go!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

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