Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Very First

I am so excited about my new love for peanut butter sandwiches.
Can you believe that I am 32 and NEVER wanted to try a PB & J.
Yuck and Thick.
When I was younger I was a very picky eater. I do not like mayo on a sandwich....gag!
Ketchup....I am really trying to like it.
As I have I have matured, I really enjoy trying something new.
It is exciting to try something and LOVE it!!
Anyways , Jamie has been eating just peanut butter sandwiches forever and I have NEVER thought anything about it or even wanted to try it.  Although last night was a different story.
 I had to try it  and I LOVED it.
So here is how we make ours.
Yes, I am a Wal-Mart (great value) girl. hehe
Get a slice of bread and peanut butter
Ignore the water spots.  bahahaha!!! I was not redoing the pic. lol!!
Spread you PB
Fold in half and ENJOY!!
So am I the only that has waited this long to try this delish sandwich.
Are you a picky eater??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...your first and you were even brave enough to use the roof sticking white bread! My kids will eat just peanut butter sandwiches, but I have to have jelly and we all do whole wheat (which by the way has come a long way since we were kids). My kids also love to eat peanut butter and jelly mixed together and then put on a should try it some time! How does lil' bit like it?

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