Sunday, September 5, 2010

Payless v/s Charlotte Russe

Fall is coming quick and I NEED some new BLACK shoes.
Things in a shoe I need........
a heal that is not real pointy
easy to walk and balance a baby on my hip
Comfort........I can not believe that I am even saying that.
 I am the girl that used to say "it hurts to look good sometimes"
That was before baby.

Anyway.........I checked out the Payless website and found these for

I really like these a lot!!
The heal looks easy to walk in......a little pointy but a good base.....not to tall.

I LOVE Charlotte Russe.......EVERYTHING!!
I noticed on there website that all shoes  right now are $20.00.
I love these!!
 I just wonder about the comfort plus the heal is a little pointy.
These are ok just a little bulky.
These are  not what I need but I LOVE them!!
I think these are a must.
What do you think??


Sarah Robbins said...

I agree, the teal ones are a must! SO cute! I can totally picture you in them.

I am undecided on the black. They are both really cute. I actually think that the 2nd ones look easier to walk in.

Annie said...

oh my gosh!! i love them all!!! i think i want a pair of each from charlotte russe!!

cute blog!! LOVE your header photo, your little one is a DOLL!! new follower :)

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