Thursday, September 16, 2010

Up Up And Away

Last night was a fun night at Awana's . We had tons of ballons full of air and a message tied to the string. The message of course was inviting others to church. I think my cubbies may have to do something like this a few times though out the year.  I only had 2 sweet girls last night. My sweet Katie was sick and Aly, I have got to check on her!!
Anyways here are a few pics that Jamie took.
Me and Jaylin
Sophie Clare and Pop are ready for lift off.
Sophie Clare LOVES balloons.
Everythime we go somewhere and they have them......we usually end up with one.
Jaylin and Erin........My Cubbies

I am sure that Pop is telling Sophie Clare we are going to have to let go of the balloon. hehe
They all were headed toward Boaz!!
If you are not part of the Awana program, try and find a local chruch that has it.
It is wonderful!!

1 comment:

Jamie Wilson said...

Please message me and tell me where that adorable outfit came from that she had on at church, the blue gingham one. I love it!!!!

You can send it to my email at

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