Monday, March 28, 2011

Over Joyed

She puts a smile on my face and brings so much joy to my heart!!
I love this little girl with all that I am and I can not imagine life without her!!
She is such a sweet girl and rarely ever gives me any problems. 
 God has truely blessed us!!
She talks from the time she gets up till she goes to sleep.
As a parent, if you have a late talker..............
are wondering if they will ever talk. hehe
Everyday she says more and more!!
She has been saying for about a month now, HER NAME!
What is her name, Sophie Clare!!
She says, NAME SOPHIE.

She says  "come on"  all the time and loves to "PAY" at "Wal-Mart.
She loves her family and wants to see them all the time! She is always wanting to go to the mall and ride the "he he's"  (carousel)

She sometimes "hides" from me when I bring out the camera.

She is full of life and makes me a better person!!

She will copy whatever you do!!
 No matter how you sit or how you act..............she will do what you are doing.

I told  her to smile at me and this is her "sweet" smile.

 I love her with all that I am!!

1 comment:

Jamie Wilson said...

Oh I just love these new pictures of Sophie Claire. I swear she would get along perfect with CK! Ck is always talking up a storm too. She would be in HEAVEN!!! I loved that dress on her, it is still quite big, but I loved it. I had it hemmed (majorly). I had tons of her angel wing dresses hemmed and will let them out again down the road for her to wear again. Of course you can steal a picture.... I am going to post it on my blog in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!

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