Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prizes and T-Shirts

Sophie Clare has a love for T-Shirts!!
Everytime we get ready to go somewhere, get home or get out of the tub.........
This girl is ready to put on a t-shirt.
She loves them and loves when others have them on.  She is 2 and I do not let her pick out what she is going to wear except at home. So you will see her in t-shirts a lot. haha 

Sophie Clare also has a love for prizes
 as she says pize.
She has got where she does not love when her daddy leaves to runt o the store or anything. She always wants me and her to go.  I started saying daddy will bring you a prize, if we stay here. So, now everytime he leaves she says, da pize. 
So cute!

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