Friday, June 24, 2011

Baa Baa Sheep

Yesterday Sophie Clare had tons of friends at story time!!
Matie Grace. Max, Luke and Leslie brought her girls Kailey and Kenedi.

Sophie Clare is really starting to open up more and more during music!!
 I love it!!
Sophie Clare was just not into the story yesterday! I am not sure if it was because there were so many children or what!! She decided to look at books instead!

Our friend Jodi is interning at the library and we love seeing her each week!  We can't wait till she does story time!! ;)

Busy making our fluffy sheep!

Luke was late because he got stopped by the choo choo train!! 
He quickly joined in the fun!!

Sophie Clare taking 5 sec to relax! hehe

Kailey helping Sophie Clare with the magnet toy!

Miss Jodi checking books out!!

As soon as story time was over, we all headed to


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