Friday, June 17, 2011

Still Celebrating!!

Last night the family got together to celebrated
Emily's 6th birthday!! 
 We all met at Logans's or as Emily calls it "The Peanut Place"!  As soon as everyone rolled in with gifts, Emily was ready to open them!!  Her Gran got her the prettiest snow globe!!  I just loved it!! 
My sweet child was W-I -L-D!!   I think she was just excited to see everyone! haha

What did Emily want to eat??
I have never seen a child that loved butter as much as she does!!

She is all about gift cards!! I had got her a little something for a painting party but got her a gift card for her birthday!!  I can't wait to see what she decides to buy!!

Gracie was such a big girl!! She sat in her seat the whole time and was so good!! 

They came to sing Happy Birthday to Emily and she decides to hide on Uncle Jamie!!

Robin had a delicious bucket of cheesecake!

Emily being a model for "peanuts". hehe

Gracie being a rock star! haha

Robin showing her rock star moves!!

Me and the sweet birthday girl!!

We hope you had a fabulous birthday!!
 We love you!!

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