Sunday, August 14, 2011

Almost 3

I always imagined having a baby and celebrating her 1st birthday!! It was all I could dream of, now I am just about 3 months away from celebrating Sophie Clare's 3rd birthday!! Where has the time gone?? She was 5 weeks early and only weighed 4 lbs and 13 oz.  Now she is 2 and weighs 27 lbs.

I have said this before.....................................
For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of having a little girl!
  Thankfully God blessed me with the sweetest little girl!! 
 I remember many years ago dreaming of my little girl wearing my dresses.
 She wore the 1st one when she wore the watermelon dress.
 Then today she wore one made the same way only with sailboats.
 It looked sooooo adorable on her.  

She is just the sweetest little girl and yes I am bias. ha ha She is my little helper! She is all about helping me clean. She helps me dust, pick up toys, feed the cat, carry dirty close to the laundry room, sweep............etc.

She loves outside and could stay out all day if I could stand the hotness!! ha ha
She loves to play doctor, babies and ride all her riding toys.
She especially loves to sing!! She is singing all the time.
What does she sing??
Jesus loves me
The B-i-b-l-e
This Little Light Of Mine
He's Still Working On Me
O How I Love Jesus
I Love My Blue Shoes (Pete the Cat)
Wheels on the Bus
Twinkle Twinkle
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Head Shoulder Knees and Toes
and several more.
I have been trying to video her but every time I get it out she stops.
OF COURSE!! ha ha

She talks 24/7!  
She is making a longer sentence every week.  She can not say all other words to a T just yet but I love love love the way she talks. Can I understand everything she says...........well yes. ha ha
Things that she says..................................
Strolley = stroller
Carvey = Carver
Annie = Aunt Angie
B B  = bicycle
tatoo = taco (from taco bell)
Hi-donnie house + McDonald's
She is a little on the shy side till she warms up.  She has the best personality of all times when we are at home. She is talking, dancing, singing and talking about what she has does for the day.

She is such a good little eater! She will just about eat anything I cook. From Sloppy Joe's, chicken to tilapia. She has good days and bad days. But all in all she is a very good eater and not real picky.

She goes to bed every night around 9:30, wakes up around 1:30 or 2 and wants me to sleep with her. I don't mind at all. Once I get in bed with her it is smooth sailing! :)

I am not a photogenic type of girl so these pics are not the greatest.
She is just such a doll baby and so much love to give. I LOVE HER SWEET GIDDY SMILE!!

                    And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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