Monday, August 22, 2011

Story Time Fun

Last Thursday morning, I was not sure that we were going to story time. I asked Sophie Clare if she wanted to go and she would say no. Finally at the last min, she was ready to go. We had to move fast to get there on time.

Sophie Clare and Lexie

Ms. Pat reading the story about spilt milk or was it  milk.
Do you ever look in the sky at the fluffy clouds and notice animals, shapes, airplanes the the clouds make. We do!!

They are making cloud pictures.

This is the library dog and Sophie Clare ask every week if she is going to be there. She is the sweetest dog. She just lays behind the desk and never makes a peep.

This is a friend of ours little girl. Madi Claire and she is such a doll.

Then is was off to Chick fil A to meet up with Angie and Gracie.

We had a fabulous time and I am so thankful we have activities to do with friends!!

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