Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Want To Go Camping

As a child, I was blessed to get the full experience in camping! We had tents,pop ups...........the whole nine yards and I loved it!! It was soo much fun!! I will say that I am a grown up now and not to be "high maintenance" but I want my hair washed and fixxed!! hehe
  Anyways..........I want Sophie Clare to be able to do this!! I would love to have a camper but I don't see that happening. So I am thinking a fabulous tent with a blow up mattress!!  lol  I just want to share with her the fun things that I got to do as a child. 

Check out this waaaay cute little camper I found on PINTEREST!!!!
When will  we go camping?
I do believe that Sophie Clare needs to  be at least 4 or 5!!
I think she will really love it then..........
Roasting marshmellows
nature hikes
riding bikes
Oh the fun that we have to look forward to!!

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