Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Sweet Girls

Saturday night the Emily and Gracie got to spend the night with my parents. It is always tons of fun and excitement when they come. They are all 3 full of personality!!  Sunday after church we wanted to get some pics of all 3 of the girls. That is always harder than we want it to be. Sophie Clare was tired and did not really care if she had her pic made or not. Then to get all 3 of them to look your way...........Well that's another story.
We ended up with a few cute ones!

I wanted one of all 3 of them sitting in the grass with there sweet bare feet...............
So much for my wants!

I also wanted some of me and Sophie Clare.........yea right!
What was I thinking?? haha
So Gracie and I had our picture made!!
Isn't she a doll??

I hope you all are having a great week!

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