Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Best of Friends

Last week, my friend April invited the kiddos over for a play date this past Tuesday. I had a hair appointment so Andrea came by to pick Sophie Clare up. All morning, Sophie Clare kept saying "ride with Max and Tia Grace"  then she would say " Andry get me" She was soooo excited to get to ride with them!!
I did not miss much, it only took about 15 mins to trim my hair. When I got there, Luke was getting ready to hold sweet Lila Beth. She is such a pretty baby!!
 Luke is the best big brother.

Sophie Clare loved the car and stayed in it most of the time.

She was not crazy about taking turns but she did!! haha

I am so thankful for her little group of friends and there moms!!

They all played dr and checked each other.
Even Max checked Luke.

Sophie Clare checking Max

We had a fabulous lunch.
The kiddos  had chicken nuggets and April made us some yummy chicken salad.
Before we left, I wanted to try and get a group picture.
Here is how it went....................

As you can see it did not go to well.
Better luck next time.

Thanks so much for having us!

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