Sunday, April 1, 2012

Our New Furry Friend

April 1st already.....WOW, time flies when your having fun! ;-) We have had a fabulous week and have a few fun things planned for this week. Lots of Easter crafts, egg hunting and much more.

Remember our rabbit that Sophie Clare got last Easter??
 Click here to refresh your memory. :-) 
 Well it became a big rabbit and Sophie Clare could not hold it anymore. So to a 3 year it was just not as fun as it should be. We found it a great home and began to search for a new one. I called Ashley (the girl I got the last one from) and she had a couple if  itty bitty rabbits. They are minis so no fear in them getting to big. She was coming to visit her parents yesterday and was sweet enough to bring both of them for us to meet her and pick one. She had a brown one and the black one. We let Sophie Clare pick which one she wanted and she chose the black one. 
She was soooo excited and held the rabbit a lot. If she was not holding it, she was carrying it around in her box.
We carried it outside to let it hop around and introduce the bunny hutch to it.

We brought the rabbit back in the house and to  let it hop around a bit. Instead it spread out to relax on the cool floor.
How cute is that??  

We wanted her to name it but she just kept calling it rabbit or sister. Considering that it is a male, I said why not brother. So brother rabbit it is or as Sophie Clare would say " Bruder" :-)

Bunny or toy?? For Sophie Clare it is both. She gave it a ride in the scooter and then pushed it in her shopping cart.

We let the rabbit sleep inside last  night. I woke up this morning to NO rabbit in the box. Thankfully it was under the bed and easy to get. I took it out to the bunny hutch and as soon as Sophie Clare woke up, she was ready to get it.  Here she is with bruder before church. She really wanted to take him with her and asked why she could not. haha

I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Thank you Ashley for the bunny!
She absolutely LOVES him!

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