Monday, March 29, 2010

Just In Time

Good Evening All!
We had a busy day of working in the house. The floors were in need of MOPPING. That is not as easy as it may sound. Every time I would get into it, Sophie Clare would come in and lay down on the WET floor. She would rub her hands all over it and then want to lick it but I finally finished. I think I washed about 5 loads of clothes but none of the are folded yet.   Oh Well!!
Jamie called and said that he was going to be late. So we went for a walk and then headed to my parents.
My dad has a couple of chickens and we were so hoping that we would have some babies.
And in just the nic of time, the baby chicks have arrived.

Sophie Clare seeing a baby chick up close for the 1st time
She seem to be really checking it out.
Thinking about touching it but still not sure.
Today my sweet girl is 16 months.
We will have a post all about that a little later in the week.
Have a great week!!

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