Thursday, April 1, 2010

16 Months

Let me start by saying that I took these during the worst part of the day. 
Happy 16 Months
Sophie Clare!!!
What are you up to??

Smiling and laughing a lot.
You are such a happy baby until it is nap time but who doesn't get cranky when they get sleepy.
You love outside....sticks, rocks, pine straw
It's all great!!
You are not talking much but here is what you are saying new....
Hey and Hi
ooohh, when  you lay down like you are going nite nite or when you get your baby.
La,la for light
ruff ruff for how a dog goes but not often
Oldies but goodies......
Mama, dada, daa for dog
T, for kitty cat
You can just grunt and I will get it!
I just love for those sweet little hands to reach up and want me to get you!!
As for eating........
You LOVE fruit, so we eat a lot of it.
 Pizza, you can eat your weight in it.
You also like pintos, black eyed peas, fried potatoes , cheese,  chicken salad and much more.
You usually eat 1 really good meal a day but you love to  snack.
You weigh about 21 pounds and are in 12 months but can still wear some 9 months. 
SHOES, you love to try them on and wear them. 
You love all things girly.........I am so excited about  that!!  
SLEEPING..........well you are a good sleeper as long as you sleep with me. I really can not remember the last time I tried laying you in your bed.  Who cares??  You usually go to bed about 9 or 9:30 and sleep till 8:30. I think that is pretty great!! You usually take about 2 naps a day. 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.
You are really smart.
Things you love to do.........
Play with you babies, read books, play in your car, cook, climb, play tea party, balls, music and dancing.
Play doh, playing on the bed
your counting pig, writing or coloring. TV is just not your thing and that is ok by me!

Sophie Clare, you are growing up way to fast!!
You have made me and your daddy so very happy.
We love you so very much!!


TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

She is so cute... I love this! She must be so tiny... 9 and 12 month clothes! :)

Donna Tucker said...

Oh Maggie...she is ADORABLE!!!!

jasongriffith said...

Sweet Baby!! She is really growing. Tell her Uncle J says "I love you".

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