Monday, April 26, 2010

A Dream, I Wish

A weekend full of rain and storms.
When I say storms, I mean a TORNADO hit very close to home.
  Albertville, Alabama!!!
 My husbands home town, home of the Aggies,  Million Dollar Ave, 1st Baptist Church, the satellite office to OSA.  
I have not had internet in 2 days......I have missed it and I am thankful to have it back but as I sit here............I just think about how blessed I am. I have food to eat, a roof over my  head,  my pillow to lay my head down on. There are so many that lost so much Saturday night. I have saw a few pictures but that is all. It just seems unreal to see the damage. It will never look the same. Saturday night right before it hit, we were watching the weather and then all of the sudden.......cable, phone and internet were gone. We tuned into the radio but could not find much. Finally we did and listen close to see what had happened and what was going to happen next. Sophie Clare did not go to bed till 11:00 and then at 12:00,  the weather siren went off and it was headed our direction. Jamie thought it would be best if Sophie Clare and I got in the closet. We did and she never woke up and THANKFULLY  nothing ever happened.
I pray for the community, it is going to be a long hard road.
 My heart hurts for them.
Back to SaturDAY......
It was a rainy day and it was going to be a LONG day if we had to stay in the house all day. So we got ready and hit the local mall.
  Sophie Clare LOVES to ride the carousel.
When we got home, Jamie had not looked at the paper in a while. He had lots of catching up to do.
Sophie Clare decided  she would help daddy read the papers.
Yesterday the crowd was a little off at church because of the storm. Several of our members are from that area and were without power. We had a different service..........we sang, fellowshipped, read scripture, and just thanked and praised GOD!!!
Today we stayed around the house. It is amazing what you do without internet.....I worked on cleaning out my closet and my shoes.
This is what happens when you let a 16 month help you............

I am so excited!!
 I have been looking for Sophie Clare a 1 piece smocked bathing suit since last year.
I finally found one and it came today!! It is so cute and I can not wait to try it on her.
Remember those who are going through hard times and remember to be thankful!!

1 comment:

Becca's Dirt said...

Darling little swimsuit. She is just precious and quite the helper when dad reads the paper.

That was a horrible tragedy for all the people who experienced the tornados. I have experienced one before and they leave such devastation. My prayers go out to all of these folks.

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