Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Pet Shop

Hello all!!
It is a RAINING like pouring t t out of a boot.
Have you ever heard that saying?? All night last  night, all day today and well it is night time and it is STILL raining. Bad weather is coming and I will be glad when it is gone!!
Yesterday was beautiful!!
We had to get up and get a move on.  Johnna was going to trim my hair around 12 and I needed to make a couple of stops. We ended up having a little extra time so I thought it would be fun to take Sophie Clare to the pet store.
Now get ready, all of the pics look pretty much the same.............
The RATS were her favorite, mainly because they were so full of energy. They were running back and forth plus running on there wheele. Now matter how much she liked them.........We will NOT be getting a RAT!! YUCK-O!!
She kept trying to get closer and closer.
She enjoyed looking at all the fish.  Although fish are not new to her. She feed the fish all the time at Gran and Pops.
The birds were pretty but boring.
She loved watching the turtle. There was one that was just putting on a show.
Beyond Beauty is where Johnna does hair and they have it decorated so cute!!

When we got home, we napped and then Braden came to play.
Sophie Clare was all about giving Braden some love.
Now, Sophie Clare knows how to ride this.........why she thinks it is so fun to puch it, I'll never no.
Braden was sweet enough to help her.
Mom and dad went to keep my nieces last night so that my brother and Angie could have a date night. Since Jamie had to mow and we could not be out in the yard. We decided to go and play. We had such a good time and can not wait to go back!!

How is your weekend??

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