Sunday, April 18, 2010

Get Well Soon

Afternoon all!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. 
I have not posted in a few days because all we do is stay outside!!
This weekend was low key for us, Jamie worked around the house and and Sophie Clare played.  My mom has  been under the weather and has not seen Sophie Clare since Wednesday. Some of may think that is not a long time but we just live within walking distance. In the afternoons, we walk down there or I have her stop by because I want to show her something. So it is very rare that she does not see her GRAN everyday.
I can not wait till she is better and Sophie Clare can not either!!
Today we were on the computer and I come across one of her and Gran. Sophie Clare just pointed and jibber jabbered.
We love  you and miss you!!
Feel better soon!!

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