Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Sweet Surprise

I am loving this weather!! 
It is just beautiful.
Sophie Clare starts out early wanting to go outside. I try and wait till after nap because if we ever go out before, she wants to be out ALL day!!  If she would not ROAM around so much, I could work in my flower beds. That girl is always on a mission!!  As most of you know, I usually work one day a week. I have not the past couple because of all of the sickness. My mom is finally feeling much  better!! 
Yesterday morning we were getting ready to head to Wal-Mart.  Sophie Clare loves to run around in her diaper. I was ironing her clothes and all I could hear was her stomping down the hall. I did not go look, she is always making loud noise. When I finished, I went to get her and this is what I found.
A sweet baby girl wearing her frog boots that are to big. Well, 1 frog boot. hehe
I got her clothes on her and I went to brush my teeth. When I came back, she had the frog boot on again. By this time I am a little concerned that she is not going to want to take it off.
She did and was ok with it!!
On the way, I called Angie and spur of the moment........
we ended up meeting her and the girls at Chick-Fil-A.
I had not layed my eyes on these girls in about 2 weeks and I was missing ALL 3!! 
They have a great indoor play area. 
This was Sophie Clare's 1st time and she was not to sure about it!! I am sure she will grow to LOVE it!!

When we got home, we played outside. It was a little too cool for the water table so I just pushed Sophie Clare in her car.
How is your week so far??

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