Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It is taking over.........

Pollen that is.  Everything is yellow and it is making everyone sick.
It has been crazy around here. It started out Saturday, we had kids in and out all day. Then Jamie had to go to the ER.....He had vedigo. Sunday morning Angie called and said Gracie was not feeling well and  niether was my mother. I had rocked Sophie Clare till 2:30  and then she woke up at 6:30.
Sunday night was not much better, so Monday we were off to the dr. I was sure it was her ears but he said she had a sinus infection.  He gave us an antibotic......so maybe she will feel better soon!!
When we got home, Sophie Clare took a good nap and then she wanted to go outside.
She is taking her sinus infection pretty good here.
I said to her........Sophie Clare show me your teeth.

We had a better night last night. She only woke up once and that was around 1:30. I put numbing drops in her ears and she went right back to sleep. Sophie Clare does not care if she is sick or not. She wants to be outside. I bought this water table last week and just had not gotten it out yet. We are in the process of a swing set and a sand box We are not quite through so I opened the water table. She LOVED it!!  She played with it forever!!

Sophie Clare and I had to run to Albetville and when we got back Jamie was mowing. Sophie Clare wanted to ride so bad. So, Jamie took her for spin. She was so excited.!!
How is your week so far??
Anything exciteing??


Sarah Robbins said...

Oh my, she just gets cuter and cuter! That teeth picture is precious!

We were having the pollen problem, too, but thankfully it rained and washed it all away!

Angie said...

Cute pictures!!! Her hair is getting so big!!! She's going to have good hair like you! My very fav is the first one. I might need one of those.

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

She’s such a cutie! Pollen has been crazy here too. My car is caked in it, looks like its wearing a pollen jacket.

Love her new pictures! She’s growing like a weed.

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