Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Treasures

Hello all!!
Welcome back to Thrifty Treasures!!
I hope you ladies have been having as good luck as I have!!
I love finding something for nothing!!
Let's get to it.......
I found this wreath at the local thrift store. My first thought was I was going to put it on the outside building. The sun and rain always get to them.........they look awful by the end of the season. So, I was all about a $2.50 wreath. I hung it beside my front door and decided to leave it!!
This pig is ugly but for the low price of 79 cents............
I thought he would be super cute in my kitchen painted black.
My dad, Sophie Clare and I went to a few yard sales Saturday morning. I got some really cute clothes and all for $1.00 each. I decided to show you the skirts first and save some of the other for later!!
Head over to Rhoda's to see other great finds!
It is just a click away...............


Andrea said...

Love the tan skirt and berry wreath!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Great wreath! And the pig is cute :)

Allison Shops said...

What a pretty wreath. The pig is great painted black - good call! Dropping by from Rhoda's.

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