Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Normal Post........FINALLY

Good Evening!!
I am finally finished with posting about Easter.
I love this time of year, the weather right now is so wonderful!!
Now, to get on with what we have been up to!!
We will start with Monday, it was our first day to be at home and have NO WHERE to go!!
After you have GONE for 7 days straight with a baby, it is nice to just stay at home. I could even tell Sophie Clare was glad to be at home. She was so good and just played.  Tuesday, I worked and had a good day. When I came home Jamie was going to mow, so that meant that Sophie Clare and I could not stay in our yard. So, we walked up to my grandmothers and then down to my parents. I tried to stay in but Sophie Clare just stood at the door and WHINED!!!
I chose outside over whiny!! lol
This totally cracks me up, I had been laying with her on the couch this morning but she rooted me off. Don't worry, I did not leave her unattended.
My friend Andrea had her sweet baby Max about 4 weeks ago (I hope that's right) My friend Jodi that lived in GA, was home for Spring break, so we went to visit them. Matia Grace was such a sweetie and loves her baby brother!!
She and Sophie Clare played so well together. I can not wait to get them together again!!
Sophie Clare made herself right at home.
I know Sophie Clare is only 16 months but it is so hard to remember her being this small. That is so sad and brings tears to my eyes.  I know some people ask........does it make you want to have another one?? No not really!!! I am good for now. lol
Jodi and Matia Grace
After our fun filled visit, we got  home and Sophie Clare was snoozing.  I hated to bother her so it was off to Mickey D's for a happy meal , to a new store Dirt Cheap, and Goodwill.
This is Sophie Clare in Dirt Cheap, she was very content with my watered down tea! lol
The store is like returns from Kohls and somewhere else. They have NO METHOD TO THERE MADDNESS. It was ok and I found a couple of thing but  I was not overly impressed. Now, Goodwill is another story!! I can not wait to show you my finds. Be sure to check back on Monday!!!
When we got home, we of course played outside.
I hope you have a great day tomorrow.

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