Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On The Hunt

The weather has been wonderful but Saturday morning when we woke up it was cloudy and rainy. It ended up clearing and being a beautiful day!!
We got to the church around 2 and registered for VBS. Sophie Clare was in no mood to stay inside. She was ready to get outside and dig in the rocks.
and play on the slide.

When it was timet ohunt for eggs............
Well, let me just say she was not to interested.
She had swinging on her mind. So, of course that  is what we did.
She can hunt for eggs later.

Farrah Jaye really enjoyed looking for eggs!!
Braden and Sophie Clare sharing the wheel!!!
Kati wasjust so excited!!
All the girls checking out there prize eggs.
Monkey see, Monkey do!!
Sophie Clare is checking out the big girls......
and thinks she will join them!!
We had a great time and will look forward to next year!!

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