Sunday, May 30, 2010

Outdoor Treasure

Hello to all!!
It has been a yucky kind of day!
I am ready for the rain to be gone and the sun to shine!!

It is that time again to show the treasures off! I will tell you that this is not what I had planned to show. I uploaded some pics at my mom's and when I got home................I deleted them. It is 10:30 here and I just laid Sophie Clare down. This post is short and sweet due to my craziness!!
I love this old rocker.  My dad found it for me..........$20.00. I have had it for a couple of years and I am sad to say that I still have not worked on it!  I am hoping to paint it before the Summer is over.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Be sure to head over to Rhoda's to see everyone's treasures!!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

That will be really cute with a fresh coat of paint!

All That Glitters said...

Awesome find!!!! Your dd is just too cute!

Anna said...

those vintage outdoor chairs are really popular now, I'm sure your rocker will look great with some fresh new paint. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Angie Holden said...

I am painting a pair of vintage outdoor chairs myself. Hope to blog it soon. Love yours!!

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