Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's A Celebration

My mom's birthday was last Monday and considering she was under the weather, we did not get to celebrate till Thursday night.  My mom went and got the girls earlier that day and they came to the house to play for a bit. We all had such a good time, swinging, swimming and riding the 4-wheeler. We had a great dinner, although it was a little crazy with all the girls needing different things. All we knew when we got started is that we were hungry and when we finished we were not.
Here mom is with her 3 favorite girls!!
Sweet Gracie says anything and everything. 
She is such a doll baby!!
Me and Mom
Me, Mom and Chris
Emily used to get in this little car when she was little. She is growing up way to fast!!
Monkey See, Monkey Do.......This girl is just a Monkey Do. She does not need to see anyone do it first, she is more than capable of coming up with her own ideas.
Hey, I see something to ride..........I am sure she thought.
Oh I can climb up there.........I know I can.
With NO help at all she did it, ALL BY HERSELF!!
Look at her excited face!!
She was just thrilled to be up there!!
To get a picture of all 3 girls is jsut nearly impossible. We did not even try so this is it.
She is just driving....making her driving sounds!
Mom and Dad........For those of you that know my daddy..........does he look different??
He does to me!! After 32 years of my life seeing my daddy with a mustache.........he shaved it!! I could not believe it my eyes. Is it growing on me.........That is the question!!

Me and my sis!!
Chris, riding the girls!
And last but not least........Jamie, the only picture I got of him all night!

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