Monday, May 31, 2010

The Zoo Crew

On Friday, Jamie decided to take off to have a long 4 day weekend. We took off to Birmingham to the zoo and look for bedding.  We hit the YUMMY Milo's first and then it was off to see the animals. Sophie Clare slept most of the way there and she woke up just in time. When we got there we headed out to see the monkeys first. Sophie Clare LOVES monkeys and makes the sweetest monkey sounds.  Was she overly impressed with the monkey's?? Only the big one and the one that put his hands on the glass. 
Then it was off to see a few birds and some kangaroos. She really liked them.........they were hopping around everywhere.

We saw flamingos, ducks, turtles, goats, chickens, sheep, ect.............................What did she love the most??  The carousel!! She smiled the whole time and just squealed. She enjoyed going around then all of the sudden seeing her da.

Oh how this little girl loves her freedom to walk where ever she wants...............
I love her so much!!

I never would have thought she would have sat on these animals but she did!!

Sophie Clare loves her animal book but I think the zoo was almost a little over whelming..........we will try it agian very soon!!
It was very hot and I packed her bathing suit so that she could cool off in the sprinklers.

She was not sure about all those other kiddos.
Then she thought she might as well see what it was all about.

We had such a good time looking at things through her eyes!!
I took some pitcures of some other things but I am saving those for another time!!

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