Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holiday With The Family

Monday was a fun and relaxing day. I was afraid it was going to rain but the sun did shine and I got a little sun.  All of the family ended up at the pool.........Natalie, Zac, Ben Johnna, Braden, Angie, Emily, Gracie, Chris, my parents.........The water was SO COLD! I only got in from the waist down.
At first Sophie Clare was not going to have any part of the water. Finally she got in with Natalie!!
She had NO intentions of getting in a float!
Gracie is such a water bug!!

Sophie Clare loves Emily and wanted to sit up in the float with her. Emily was sweet enought to say ok! Anytime she wants Emmys attention, she always says HEY!
Chris daring to drop Braden in the deep end.
Just kidding............
I went home and get the blow up pool for the kiddos and I wished you could have saw me coming down the road. Considering I live next door, it is only a hop, skip and a jump away from the pool. I held the pool out the window because it was still wet. I know........awful.........right!!!
Emily really enjoyed the baby pool!
My beautiful mother!!

My sweet baby!!

I love my Uncle Frank!!
Sweet Gracie!!
Next Up Matia Grace's Birthday Party!!

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