Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am the class of 1996!! 
I have had some of the same friends since 1st grade and I love them all dearly!! 
We still try and get together to have dinner. Although it is hard between those that have children in sports, dating, and those of us that have little ones. I think a lot of my class and I am protective of them! They ALL mean a great deal to me in one way or another. I have great memories with many of my classmates. 
Since the beginning of LAST SUMMER,several of us tossed up ideas about what to do. 
Have families and there children?? 
Just the classmates and spouses?? 
Have 2 events?? 
Where to  host the event??
It is hard to know what to do!!
We decided that it would be best to just have an adult time!! many of us don't get the chance to get out without our children and who wants to try and catch up, chasing a little one. I knew from the start that MISS SOPHIE CLARE would be staying with her GRAN & POP.  

We called many facillities and Wills Creek Winery was the best of the best!!
It is held at Will Creek at the Mill!
The Vineyard.........So beautiful with a vineyard, pond and pavillion!
Excusive to us!!
I will be posting and updating on my blog as well as the website!
So be sure to check back!!
We hope you are as excited as we are!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so...whats the price?

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