Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

This post is totally random about Sophie Clare!!
She loves mac and cheese singles! She ask for them all the time. She even wants them for breakfast. haha Do I let her eat it for breakfast??  Well of course!!
I love pulling her hair in a pony! I think she looks so cute although she looks like a big girl!
She loves last year VBS t-shirt and gets so excited when she gets to wear it!

She makes my heart smile!!


Sarah Robbins said...

She is SO big! I can't believe it- she looks like a little girl and not a baby anymore!

Anonymous said...

Hey....Eric Michael is addicted to chocolate chip granola bars (the chocolate dipped kind). It's about the only thing i can get him to eat for breakfast besides sausage and the occasional bowl of cereal or piece of toast! So mac n cheese for breakfast i so get!!! Frankly, i would give em anything as long as i can get him to eat!!!!! The granola makes me feel better about feeding it to him. He calls them chocolate bars, so i hope no one asks him what he ate for breakfast! They'd think i gave him a candy bar & that i was a terrible mom!!!!

Tracy Bentley said...

She has grown up so much. My son who is seven could eat pizza every day every meal.

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