Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 2 of PT

Day 2 of Potty Training went pretty good!!

She only had 2 accidents out of about 14 T T's.
 I think that is reallygood!!
I am so proud of her!!

We have some errands to run today!! 
 I want her to wear panties but I am nervous!!

Stay tuned.................

1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

Way to go Sophie Clare!

I say give it a go for the errands- just pack extra clothes. And try to find a bathroom that is a single without an automatic flusher. Kids seem to hate those autoflushers and they do better in the family-style bathrooms so they don't have to hear all the other toilets flushing.

I'm glad she is doing so well. She is just SO big! Sophie Clare was Debby's age when I started reading your blog. Time sure flies with little ones, doesn't it?

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