Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It Could Be Worse

What a week it has been?? It seems to have been one thing after the other. It all started Saturday when I was getting ready to carry Sophie Clare down to my moms. Where oh where was my smart key?? I could not find it anywhere.  Jamie and I were going to a wedding reception that night. We were driving separate so that he could get SC to bed. He ended up staying home while I met my girlfriends.  

As I was walking out the door, I went to get my wallet............GUESS WHAT??
I left it at Belks!!  Oh well I'll get it later, that was the least of my worries.

He searched for the key while I was gone and still nothing.  Sunday morning rolled  and I am just sick that I can not find my key. We spent all afternoon after church looking for the key.  I cried and cried. My windows were rolled down and we thought it was going to rain. I usually don't get real worked up over stuff like this but for some reason I just could not get over it. Sunday afternoon, as I am holding Sophie Clare while she naps, my blackberry decides to go crazy on me.  Wow, my weekend was just getting better and better. haha
We got up Monday morning to handle the phone situation. 
I wanted what I had but that was going to cost a nice $250.00.
I ended up with a better phone (gravity smart)  because they were running a special but then I had no clue how to work the thing. 

 Finally yesterday it was time to have the car towed to the Nissan dealership to have a new key made.  Sophie Clare was sooo upset that the car was leaving. She cried and cried.  All she kept saying was get mama's car. :(               

Everything is taking care of thanks to Jamie!!

It's Wednesday and the day is much much better.

1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

When it rains, it pours! I was just reading in a book that bad things always come in groups. If it were just one or two, we would think that we could handle it ourselves. When more come, we are forced to depend on God, and that is when we truly grow. I will be praying for lots of growth, but also that things get a bit better for you!

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