Friday, September 2, 2011

Headed to the Beach!!

Get ready for tons and tons of pics!!
I know that you are so surprised........haha

We have talked about the beach all Summer to Sophie Clare. I am sure she was wondering if we were ever going!  Last Thursday morning when I woke her up, I said guess where we are going today?? She looks at me with a grin and waits for me to tell her. She was so excited that we were going!!
The car is packed and the baby is in her seat ready to ride.

I asked her if she was excited that we were going to the beach........

Our first stop was in Calera!  Sophie Clare loves choo choo trains so we thought it would be fun to stop by the railroad museum.

She loved all of the trains and looking at each one!!

Me trying to lift weights! hehe

Sophie Clare wanting to be like mommy!!

We got back on the road again and the drive was not that bad. Sophie Clare was pretty good although it took some entertaining. We had the tv with us, lots of books and colors.  We got to the condo and she was beyond pleased to be out of the car. 
Here she is in the lobby of our condo. She was more than happy to pose for a pic.

We got up to our room and I could not wait for her to see the beach!!

She loved it and could not wait to get out there!!

We took her bathing suit down with us. I had a feeling when she saw the pool, that she would want to get in!! She swam for a bit then it was back to the room.

It did not take Jamie long to get comfy!! He knows how to relax fast!! haha

They had a coffee table that opened up like a coffin. Sophie Clare played in it all the time. If you could not find her she was hid in it!

We got ready and took a few quick pics! We were off to LuLu's!!
  One of our favorites places!!

Sophie Clare had a blast at LuLu's!! She got so dirty and wet! We had to go straight back to the condo to get a bath!!

Well that is day one at the beach!!
Day 2 is up next!!

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