Saturday, September 3, 2011

We Packed In The Fun On Day 2

Get ready because day 2 in long! We packed in tons and tons of fun!  Sophie Clare was just so excited to hit the pool and get to the beach! We headed down and she played in the pool a while then she was ready to get sandy!!

I was suprised at how much she enjoyed playing in the sand. She enjoyed knocking down anything I made. haha

We had tons of hats last year but only one this time. She was so good about wearing it. I put sunscreen in her hair but I was so afraid that it would still get burnt!

Believe it or not she wanted me to burry her. 
I loved that she enjoyed the beach.

We took a break from the sun, thinking it was lunch time and nap time. Well what in the world was I thinking?? I rocked as usual and she looks at me and says, WAKE.  Was she really not taking a nap at the beach.........oh you know how the sun and swimming drains you. I was nervous but I just went with it.

We put on our dry suits and headed back out.

Considering she loved going back and forth to the beach so much, we decided that she needed some shade!!
The pool was wonderful and big!!  It felt soooo good!!  It was a zero entry, which gave Sophie Clare lots of freedom to run, jump and play.

After a long day in the sun, it was time to go out on the town.

She loved being in charge of the elevator.

As we were headed to the WARF, I knew she had been really quiet. I turned around and this is what I saw. The sweetest baby in the world, asleep and wearing her crown. 
 How cute is she??

When we got there, she was not ready to wake up. As soon as we got our dippin dots, she got a little pep in her step. haha

Then we walked along the water to show her all of the big boats.

After the Warf, we headed over to a putt-putt place that you can feed fish.  She enjoyed watching all of thme flop around.
She looks pleased!

We walked across the parking lot to let her ride the choo choo train. When we got over there, she saw the go carts and wanted to ride.
Jamie and Sophie Clare waiting there turn to ride.

Buckle up for safety and hang on tight.

They look pretty excited.

And off they go.........As they would come around, Sophie Clare would have the biggest smile on her face. When they finished, she told me they went fast. haha

Riding the choo choo train..........I remember last year when I had to put her on the train and this year she just walks right up and hops on.
Finally we are at our favorite place................

Sophie Clare loved crawling through the tunnel and meeting me on the other side!

Makeing sweet friends without saying a word.  What I mean by that is that these 2 little girls just talked to Sophie Clare and she never said a word. She just smiled at them. A smile really goes a long way!! :)

Sophie Clare did not care how much sand got in her clothes!  She was pretending the hill was a slide!! I tried to encourage her to not slide but she was having so much fun!!
Just look at the sand flying!!!

We headed over to the famous photo-op to have a pic made!

Sophie Clare even made the Hangout sign!!

We had been there a while and as we were getting ready to leave................
We could not leave then, Sophie Clare was all about it!!

Day 3 up next!!

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